This course is designed to provide students with, the fundamental knowledge and educational, experience required by the State of New Jersey for, licensure under the title. This course covers all, of the code requirements, except for plumbing and, electrical, for one- and two-family homes and, small commercial structures. Topics include structural design and analysis techniques, wood, framing construction and foundations, material, standards, field identification of requirements, inspection techniques, tools, and methods, etc., (9.0 CEUs)
Atlantic Cape Community College and the Department, of Community Affairs will offer Uniform, Construction Code (UCC) classes for the spring, semester. The courses focus on the technical needs for contractors, estimators, architects, engineers, and government officials, as they relate to the design, construction, and maintenance of building structures. These classes are for general, contractors who are looking to advance their, careers and become New Jersey State Inspectors for, local municipalities. Courses must be taken in the proper sequence (R.C.S.-I.C.S.-H.H.S.), Licensing questions and licensing application, packet requests should be directed to the Licensing Unit at 609-984-7834 or,, Students must purchase all required textbooks, including the Uniform Construction Code Act and, Regulations (blue book). Books can be ordered from, the Department of Community Affairs at, 609-984-0040.